Seraphina by Rachel Hartman

Seraphina - Rachel Hartman, Mandy Williams, Justine Eyre

I wish this book had been longer. Even in the beginning, when I wasn't sure where the book was going because I hadn't read the synopsis, I got lost in the beautiful writing.

This book is about dragons and prejudice. In Seraphina's world, a treaty between dragons and humans has kept the peace. Dragons can legally take the form of humans and mingle with society, but they are far from being accepted by society. The widespread hatred of dragons is very dangerous for Seraphina and her secret.


Orma, Prince Lucian, and Princess Gliselda are all brilliant characters. Just like Seraphina, I have a soft spot for them all. Seraphina herself is the best character, of course. She's wonderfully imperfect and you'll never be annoyed by her attitude.


I felt like I was walking around in inside Seraphina's mind at some points of the story. It was fascinating to read about everything going on in there and how Seraphina controlled it all.


The only reason this book didn't get 5 stars was because of the extremely abrupt ending and underdeveloped romance. At least there is a second book in the making!


One last thing--I listed to the audiobook and the narrator was the perfect fit.